Products & Services

Service at a glance

We provide customers with a “turnkey” ready for service telco’s infrastructure on any Russian segment of the TEA NEXT line, as well as seamless optic-fiber extension to main international telco hubs. Project infrastructure consists of modern optic dark fibers of the G.652 / G.654 category and dedicated rack spaces in ILA sites. Additionally, we are ready to support customers with equipment monitoring and maintenance services.
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Providing optical fibers
From 1 year to 25 years with monthly or advance payment (similar to IRU)
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Vendor neutrality
Installation of any vendor equipment and individual solutions for network design
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Monitoring & control 24x7x365
Round-the-clock monitoring of automation and dispatch systems with data transfer to Network operation center (NOC)
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Additional services
Remote hands, remote control, equipment maintenance
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99.5%+ per year
Guaranteed Service Level Agreement (SLA) for infrastructure
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Physical and hardware protection of each customer’s space in ILA sites from 1/2 rack to a modular container

Cable and optical fibers

  • Cable capacity 96 optical fibers (OF)
  • Armored ground and sewer cable
  • Maximum crushing strength up to 1 kN/cm
  • Maximum tensile load from 8 to 80 kN
  • Resistant to climatic influences from -60C to +70C
  • Waterproof up to 9.8 kPa overpressure
  • It is laid in the ground with a depth of at least 1.2 m.
  • Service life of at least 25 years
  • ITU-T G.654EThe attenuation coefficient of the OF in the OC is ≤ 0.175 dB/km at a wavelength of 1550 nm.The mode field diameter at a wavelength of 1550 nm is 12.5±0.5 µm.
  • ITU-T G.652D with reduced attenuationThe attenuation coefficient of the OF in the OC is ≤0.184 dB/km at a wavelength of 1550 nm.The mode field diameter at a wavelength of 1550 nm is 10.4±0.5 µm.


ILA site is designed to accommodate transmission system equipment (regenerators, amplifiers and switching equipment), power supply equipment, input of communication cables, power supply and terminal devices.
NUP scheme map
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Security systems
ILA sites and containers are provided with external and internal video surveillance, security and fire alarms, a gas fire extinguishing system and an automation and dispatch system with data transmission to a single control center.
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Power supply
All ILA sites equipped with first category of electricity power supply, which guarantees external electric supply with backup diesel generator sets (DGS). All systems are equipped with additional uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Also, customers have the opportunity to install additional UPSs with batteries in their own separate racks.
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Climate control
ILA sites container is equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation and climate control system, as well as an air conditioning and heating system, which ensures a constant selected temperature and humidity regime in the room with the equipment located.
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Equipment racks
The standard ILA sites solution provides the opportunity to use pre-prepared places for equipment, where there is an optical patch cord and power supply of up to 5 kW per rack for a standard cabinet size. It is also possible to organize additional seats and electrical power in accordance with individual customer requirements.


We guarantee a high level of quality of service for the backbone fiber optic communication line, based on the physical security of the cable and the optimal route, which is laid along the shortest path, bypassing areas with active economic activity. The unique route allows us to ensure a guaranteed level of line availability (SLA) of 99.5% per year and a fast speed of eliminating possible breaks. You get a reliable and stable line that meets your business requirements.
Our team manages the physical infrastructure of the communication line, and also provides additional services for installation, configuration, monitoring of customer equipment, its updating and replacement. We maintain high performance and reliability of the network monitoring system to ensure continuous and stable connectivity that meet the highest requirements and best market standards.
We guarantee reliable and stable power supply in ILA sites, ensuring continuous operation of customer equipment due to backup power supplies, as well as automatic switching systems in the event of failure of the main power source. We also ensure the physical security of the equipment. Access to equipment rooms is controlled by an access system that allows only authorized personnel to enter. In addition, the facility is equipped with video surveillance systems that record all actions within the perimeter of the ILA sites and inside the premises, and are constantly monitored by security services.
  • Spaces for telecommunication cabinets of standard sizes Cabinet power supply - based on the load on a standard telecommunications cabinet - up to 5 kW
  • Power supply:Power supply from external electrical network from own transformer substation Double redundant power supply unit Diesel generator sets with a fuel reserve of up to 48 hours of continuous operation
  • Climate controlAutomatic air conditioning system with full redundancy Additional climate control power backup system
  • Fire protectionFire alarm and fire automatics system Gas fire extinguishing system
  • SecurityAccess control and management system Security alarm and perimeter control system Perimeter video surveillance system Intelligent lighting system
  • Dispatch and managementMonitoring security and life support systems using IoT hardware sensors via redundant data links